Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall is for Fabulous Faces, Fun Art, and Great Smiles...Art Delivery Day

I couldn't help but smile next to the stunningly toothy Frida
 (created by artist AnaLee Fuentes) 

Lynne at the Portland Art Museum  Rental Sales Gallery
(where they are gearing up for their fall show)

Lynne and Rich holding up
one of Richard's works to be featured in the upcoming show
 (opening Friday, October 18th)

Detail from Devil Tarot Cardby Richard Cutshall
for Major Arcana Show at Metallo Gallery in Madrid, NM
opens Saturday, October 12th

Chariot Tarot Card
by Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
for Major Arcana Show at Metallo Gallery in Madrid, NM
opens Saturday, October 12th

Michael Fisher of the Maude Kerns Art Center

Detail from work by artist Marco Elliot
(part of the upcoming Dia de los Muertos Exhibit at the Made Kerns Art Center)

"Forever Frida"
Jennifer Gillia Cutshall

"The Party Ended Early"
Richard Cutshall
Analee and her beautiful piece
by Analee Fuentes
              We had a great art delivery day today and we hope you can experience the art and the smiles for yourself.  Attend an opening on Friday October 18th in Oregon.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Work Sans Words

"The Turning Queen"
by Jennifer Gillis Cutshall

by Richard Cutshall

"Annointing the Winds of Change, Lady Godiva"
by Jennifer Gillia Cutshall

"Above It All"
by Ruchard Cutshall

"Lil' Devil"
by Richard Cutshall

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Linus Gallery Opens with an Amazing Piece by....

Richard Cutshall
by Richard Cutshall
MM on Paper
22" x 30"
Get an Eyeful...
a soulful....
a heartful 
from this visionary artist 
July 26th through August 4th in Pasadena, California at Linus Gallery

Post by Jennifer Gillia Cutshall

Monday, July 1, 2013

Things Are Heating Up in our PDX Studio. Sparks, Fireworks, and Passions Collide...

We have been working on a series of collaborative works on paper and we're excited to share them.
"Drought Diamonds"
by Jennifer Cutshall and Richard Cutshall

"A Shade Cache"
by Jennifer Cutshall and Richard Cutshall

"Fragile Roots"
by Jennifer and Richard Cutshall

"A Precarious Beauty"
by Jennifer and Richard Cutshall

by Richard and Jennifer Cutshall

by Richard and Jennifer Cutshall

"Sustaing the Dance"
by Richard and Jennifer Cutshall

by Jennifer and Richard Cutshall

"Forever Spangled"
by Jennifer and Richard Cutshall

A special thanks to a collector of our work...
  It was her request that sparked this infinite series

Stay cool this summer and enjoy the sights.  
Thanks for lending your eyes...we hope you enjoy the view. 

Post by Jennifer Cutshall

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Women Icon Show, PDX

"Annointing The Winds of Chage, Lady Godiva"
by Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
12" x 12" Acrylic on Canvas 2013

Richard and I are happy to be part of the Women Icon Show at Gallery Mini...a new gallery not far from the river on the eastide. 
Mari and Leda have proven that size matters. And in this case the smaller, the better with their lovely liitle gallery.  
This Grand Opening show will feature the work of 23 Portland artists...see flyer at the end of this post.  Stop by if you are around this Thursday evening and fuss over small things (all works in this show are 12" x 12" or smalller).

Richard's etching is so lovely and provocative.  Julia Pastrana was billed as the ugliest woman in her lifetime.  His portrait betrays this notion and begs the viewer to question our notion of beauty.  Aren't our un-enhanced, unaltered differences our greatest glory?  Can the richness of age and grace captivate us?  Can we find the most delicate of lines along the roughest edge?  

"Their Mistaken Identity, Julia Pastrana, 1834-1860"
by Richard Cutshall
etching with aquatint
"Hugs, Kisses, and Locks...Things Female"
by Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
9" x 12" sketch on Paper 2013

"A Glistening Vision Webbed by Deceit, Joan of Arc"
by Jennifer Gillia Cutshall
12" x 12" Acrylic on Wood 2013

"Halfway There"
Giclee Print of original by Jennifer Cushall

Post by Jennifer Gillia Cutshall

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Herds, Locks, and the art of Jennifer Gillia Cutshall

"Fleeing The Torrent of Naysayers"

"A Galloping Truth"

"Halfway There"

"Lady Godivia's Veil"

"Liberating the Lost Tears"
"Epona's Infinite Fertility"

"Horse Drawn Neon"

"Late Awakening"

"Flight of the Horsebride"

"Artemis, Bearing The Weight of 1,000 Deaths"

"Tempus Gloria"

"All the King Women"
"A Queen Rises"

detail from "Late Awakening"
For more art by Jennifer Cutshall and for direct purchase visit our online shop:

and to view work by both Jennifer Cutshall and Richard Cutshall visit our entire shop: